Mountain Home High School

One Town One Team

  • Happy February!

    Well, it seems that we are back in full swing, and the time is speeding up more and more each day!  This month is when things really start ramping up.  Lots of exciting things on the horizon!  Here are some significant dates.

    February 5th - Winter Sports Pep Rally/Signing Assembly (1:30 PM - MHHS Gym) ***Note: This is a Wednesday, so we will have a special bell schedule and replace Tutorial with this event at the end of the day (Instead of Tutorial at the beginning of the day, 2nd period will start at 8:30 AM).

    February 7th - PD Day - no school (for students)

    February 13th – Parent / Teacher Conferences

    • 2:00 – 4:00 PM - Teachers will be making parent contacts (via phone call and/or email) and ONLY holding pre-arranged meetings with specific students/parents. 
    • 4:00 – 5:00 PM – No conferences (teachers will be eating dinner during this hour)
    • 5:00 – 8:00 PM – Conferences in teachers’ classrooms – If you need a map to find your child’s classrooms, please stop by the main office.

    ***Please remember that these conferences are meant to give you, as parents, the opportunity to check in with your child’s teachers, and meet them face-to-face.  Due to the potential demand of teachers meeting with large numbers of parents, we ask that your conversations be kept fairly brief and general in nature.  If you feel that you have larger, more specific concerns, please email your child’s teacher(s) and request a separate meeting.

    February 14th - Compensation day - no school

    February 17th - Presidents Day - no school

    February 26th - Jan Hughes Memorial Staff vs. Students Volleyball Game (MHHS Gym (1:30 PM - MHHS Gym) ***Note: This is a Wednesday, so we will have a special bell schedule and replace Tutorial with this event at the end of the day (Instead of Tutorial at the beginning of the day, 2nd period will start at 8:30 AM).

    February 28th - Sweethearts Dance (8-10 PM in the MHHS Small Gym)


    As of this past legislative session, The ISAT test will now carry some weight, in terms of college acceptance.  Colleges are looking for new ways to get more students. They have set new standards for admissions - one of them being the ISAT test scores. Basically, the ISAT (taken in the 11th grade) will allow admission to any student who earns a score of “proficient” or “advanced” on the high school “Math” and “ELA” ISAT.

    Here is a link to an article explaining this criteria:,factors%3A%20test%20scores%20and%20GPA.

    This is precisely the reason for me taking the time to explain the importance of students’ effort on these exams. The scores matter and will be looked at on college applications.  Students’ applications will look much more appealing with an ISAT score that reflects students’ best effort. Our math and English teachers are aware that the stakes are higher now. Our students’ best effort should be a reflection of not only their ability, but also the collective abilities of all of the staff here at MHHS. We know our students are capable, and simply ask that they do their best. Please have these conversations with your 11th grader(s) to partner with us in this quest. The ISAT testing schedule, which begins on March 11, can be found in the attachment below.

    2025 ISAT Schedule.xlsx 

    SENIOR PROJECTS - Attention ALL Seniors:

    Senior Projects will be here before we know it.  I met with all the seniors last semester and they should know about the due dates, and where to access the senior project information.  Please check in with your student and make sure they are checking in with their Tutorial teacher (this teacher is assigned to oversee their progress). 

    Here is the direct link to the senior project section on our website:  This link will take you to all the forms, due dates, rubrics, etc.

    Also, for your convenience and your reference, here are the pertinent due dates:

    March 5, 2025 - Resume and Reflection Paper Due. Submit these to your Tutorial teacher.

    April 9, 2025 - Senior Project Presentations (Seniors will give their presentations in a specific 1-hour time slot and then will be done for the day.) 


    Counselors Corner:

    Credit Recovery Changes: A message regarding credit recovery was sent out before the break.  If you are in need of credit recovery, consult with your counselor and refer to the attachment for the flowchart below.  Also, if you have concerns or questions regarding credits or any of your student’s needs, feel free to reach out to these awesome ladies.

    MHHS Counselors:

    Mrs. Simons, Last Names A-G

    Mrs. Riley, Last Names H-O

    Mrs. Sanchez, Last Names P-Z

    MHHS Credit Recovery Flowchart.pdf 

    “Idaho Launch” Application Closes 4/15/25:

    The Idaho LAUNCH application window opened on 10/1/24. If you are at all interested in the trades, this route might be one for your postsecondary education! This program highlights the trades and offers quite an incentive (up to $8000) to get prospective students to join forces. See the attachment and/or visit:

    If you're interested in applying for this, please consult with your counselor as you come upon questions with the process.  We will be utilizing the "Next Steps Idaho Portfolio" option in the "Create a Career Pathway" section.    

    What is LAUNCH?

    Idaho LAUNCH is a grant program that provides students a one-time opportunity to have 80% of the tuition and fees at an eligible institution covered, up to a maximum amount of $8,000. With approximately 75 million dollars available for Idaho LAUNCH funding, it is possible for this program to offer between 9,000 and 10,000 awards per year!

    How much is available for students each year?

    Students can receive up to one-half of the initial grant award in the first year of a program. However, for programs that are less than 12 months in length, students can use the full awarded amount (80% of tuition and fees up to $8,000) in one year.

    Important Dates

    • Idaho LAUNCH application opens: October 1, 2024
    • Initial applications due: November 30, 2024
    • Idaho LAUNCH application closes: April 15, 2025
    • Career Pathway Plans due: May 31, 2025

    Website for Application: 


    Other Announcements:

    Inclement Weather Information:  As we move into some of the more questionable weather, we want to make sure everyone knows where/how to access school delay/cancellation info.  School delay/cancellation announcements will generally be made before or by 6:00 AM of the actual school day.  This is done after school officials and other personnel have checked road conditions.  Typically, these messages are shared via district SchoolMessenger messages (like this one), phone/text messages, district email, the MHSD Facebook page, as well as various TV and radio news sources.  

    If you are not receiving notifications, please contact our school for assistance (208) 587-2570.  

    Homework Club/Math Tutoring is up and running! 

    Mr. McLean and Mrs. Dubois are in Room 31 from 3-4 PM, Mon-Thurs every week to help students get a little more support.  Please utilize this awesome program.  Note: transportation will not be provided.

    Empowering Parents Grant Applications Open:

    2024-25 Empowering Parents program grant applications are open. Applications will close when funding is exhausted, so we’re hoping families apply right away!

    As a reminder, parents of Idaho students ages 5-18 who filed a 2023 Idaho tax return are eligible. Families with adjusted gross incomes (AGI) of under 60k receive priority. Grants are $1,000 per student and up to $3,000 per family. The grant funds can be used for a huge range of items to support student learning – including laptops or technology, extracurricular classes, camps, and school athletic fees, driver’s education, tutoring or speech therapy – and more!

    The application guide application guide is available in English and Spanish and phone customer service agents are also bilingual.

     CANVAS information:

    Canvas continues to be our platform for student work, grades, checking missing assignments, etc.  If you are still not signed up under your child’s account, please feel free to do so.  The following link is a step-by-step slideshow that will guide you through the process (one is in English, the other in Spanish):  

    Slide Deck Link

    Slide Deck Translated to Spanish

    ATTENTION: Class of 2025 senior parents! The Senior Celebration Committee is actively planning our annual Senior Celebration Event for our class of 2025 students and we want to get you connected. Come be a part of this great opportunity to provide our seniors with a safe fun-filled graduation celebration! Follow the link to join our Facebook group HERE. We will be posting volunteer opportunities and fundraising throughout the year and every little bit helps!  If social media isn't your thing, you can also email us at to be added to an email group for info instead. We will meet once a month on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm in Mrs. Nordin's classroom (Room 5) at MHHS (thru main office doors and first hallway on the left). Donut sales on late start mornings in the foyer by the main gym are in full swing. We will also be at sporting events and other school activities to raise money so come say hi! This will be an exciting year for our kids and we would love to have you be a part, no matter how much you are able to contribute! We appreciate you!

     Breakfast/Lunch and Food Services Information:

    Free and Reduced Meal Forms: Free and reduced meal applications are now available online. Breakfast and lunch meals are not free to everyone this year. To qualify for Free and Reduced Breakfast and Lunch, you must complete the Free and Reduced Meal application. You MUST APPLY (or reapply) for Free & Reduced Meals each year. Forms are available on Mealtime at the following link:  You can also use that link to pay for breakfasts/lunches on-line. You will need your student's 9 digit student number which can be found in your Parent Portal.  

    MHAFB Announcement:

    “High Fives and Good Vibes”

    On December 2, 2024, we started and held our first “High Fives and Good Vibes” morning -  having military personnel from MHAFB meet and greet our MHHS students. Our first one in December was a huge success! They typically happen every 1st Monday of the month. (Note: the one in January will likely move to the 13th, since students aren’t back on the first Monday.)

    Here is the message our MHAFB Liaison sent out to her military colleagues:

    Please join me on the first Monday of each month, starting on December 2nd, as we give the students high fives as they enter the school. Simply give the student a high five, say something encouraging, and begin their day with positivity and happiness. A high-five can increase motivation and confidence to cultivate a positive outlook for the day. It is a simple gesture that can unite us all as we support the students!

     “One Town, One Team!” 

    Again, please always stay tuned to our other platforms below (particularly our MHHS Facebook page) for frequent posts that highlight all of the cool things that take place here at MHHS!

    MHHS Website:

    MHHS Facebook page:

    MHSD (District) Facebook page:

    Thank you and have a great February - enjoying the longer days!!!

    Mr. Gunderson
    Principal MHHS 

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Facts and Figures

  • 1901 Old yearbooks indicate that the first students to graduate from a school known as Mountain Home High School was in 1901.
  • 1905 In about 1905, a new brick schoolhouse was completed. This two-story building housed the elementary grades on the first floor and the high school classes on the second. It was located on 4th East Street between Jackson and 2nd North (currently the Middle School PE field). It was demolished in 1964.
  • 1926 On the same block a new building was built for the High School in 1926. This building, which is currently Bennett Mountain High School, was MHHS until 1954.
  • 1954 The current High School building is located on 11th East between 2nd South & 4th South. Over the past 60 years it has had several additions built.

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