Mountain Home High School

One Town One Team

  • September Announcements

    Well, we’re back in full swing now!  Activities and athletics have kicked off, the Class of 2025 seems to be owning the school - life is good!  We’ve already had a couple of successful activities and feel like the energy is moving in the right direction!  The “Back to School Bash” was again a huge success. We held our grade-level assemblies last Monday and were able to share our vision and connect with all of the students (albeit in a slightly goofy way)! We are energized and excited to better get to know our incoming 9th graders and new folks and continue to build memories and friendships with those returning.  


    Please feel free to come out and support us!  We encourage our students to get involved in SOMETHING (anything) - it makes the experience here so much more meaningful and fun.  We offer many options as far as clubs, band, choir, and many others.  If you’re unsure of what’s available, ask any of the teachers or any staff member.

    We had a number of new folks join our team this year.  We’re excited to have them!  They are as follows: 

    • Grace Smith (Receptionist)

    • Maria Vergara de Torres (Custodian)

    • Alison Willard (SPED TEAM Teacher)

    • Conner Weygint (SPED - Resource Math)

    • Mandara Starr (Medical Assisting)

    • Ethan Smith (Health)

    • Jessica Muraski (Activities Director) *not new to the building

    • Elizabeth Rodriguez (SPED Para)

    • Christina Gaffield (Biology)

    We feel like we’ve struck gold with these new folks - they’ve hit the ground running and are doing an amazing job. We welcome them!!!

    September is chock-full of information - especially since we have Homecoming on the horizon. 


    PSAT Test - Sept 10 Deadline to Sign Up

    The PSAT is an optional practice version of the SAT which could possibly lead to more money for college. The highest performers on the PSAT are eligible to earn scholarships like the National Merit Scholarship when taken during students’ junior year. As sophomores, this is an introduction to the SAT (which is typically taken during students’ junior year) to get an idea of what the SAT is like and to learn which subject areas they could benefit from more practice with, before taking the SAT. 


    The 2024 PSAT will be Wednesday October 23rd for any sophomore or junior student who is interested. It is free for sophomores & $20 for juniors (juniors can pay in the front office & bring your receipt to Mrs. Sanchez). The deadline to sign up for the test will be Wednesday September 10th. To sign up for the PSAT, please fill out this Google Form: 


    JOSTENS CAP/GOWN AND SENIOR PROJECT INTRO ASSEMBLY - Wednesday, September 11th, at 8:30 AM Attn. Seniors - THIS IS IMPORTANT: There will be a mandatory assembly during Tutorial on AM in the gymnasium.  YOU WILL GET SIZED for your caps/gowns and receive a presentation from Jostens about all of the steps necessary to order what you want/need. I will also introduce the Senior Project to the group and explain certain elements/deadlines, etc.  Please be in the bleachers promptly by 8:30 AM.


    Space Day - Sept. 14

    The Children's Museum of Idaho is hosting their annual Space Day coming up on September 14. It is a great event with lots of activities for kids of all ages. There will be astronaut speakers, and admission is by donation (see flier).



    School Pictures Retakes - Sept. 30

    • Regular retakes will be on Monday, September 30th

    • Senior pictures with (tux and drape tops) will be scheduled for Wednesday, November 6th.

    • Senior picture retakes will be on Friday, December 6th.    

    ***Ordering Your Student’s Photos: See QR Code and link.




    Important Announcement for Credit Recovery:

    It is important for all students to know that one of our credit recovery options from the past few years will no longer be available due to budget restrictions.  After a few years of being able to use the temporary ESSR (COVID) funds to provide things like evening school (as a means of credit recovery), these monies have finally run out.  This means that evening school will no longer be able to be an option.  We wanted you to know this sooner than later in case you had plans to utilize this intervention.  We will, however, continue to offer summer school as an option.  We will also continue to run our afterschool Homework Club in Mr. McLean's room (31) from 3-4 PM M-Th.  Please consider this preventative resource to avoid being in a credit recovery situation.  If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to reach out to any of our counselors and/or administrators.

    Homework Club/Math Tutoring is up and running!  Mr. McLean and Mrs. Dubois are in Room 31 from 3-4 PM, Mon-Thurs every week to help students get a little more support.  Please utilize this awesome program.  Note: transportation will not be provided.


    VFW Scholarship Programs

    I wanted to mention that your student has (on their Canvas announcements) info regarding these wonderful opportunities for scholarships and awards through our local and national VFW organization. They can access 6 attachments that explain each potential award. The first five attachments are for student awards - one involves an essay contest, and the other 2 (each has two attachments) involve art contests.  The last one is for the VWF Teacher of the Year. Because we are a military town, our chances are very good in terms of winning; in fact, we've had multiple winners in the past. To find out more, ask your child about the attachments on their Canvas announcements page.


    Military Child of the Year Awards

    Every year Operation Homefront does a Military Child of the Year® Award. We (through volunteer judges) pick 1 child from each branch  (7 recipients in all) of the services and each recipient receives $10,000 CASH, a laptop, other donated goodies, and a 3-day trip to Washington, DC with us and their families.

    Children are entered by nominations. I have attached the flier for you and included the link to the nomination page: 

    Nominations open September 10th. Anyone that knows a military child can nominate any military child. So, you may nominate your students or friend’s children and so on. The program is entirely FREE and exclusive to military children.

    CANVAS information:

    Canvas continues to be our platform for student work, grades, checking missing assignments, etc.  If you are still not signed up under your child’s account, please feel free to do so.  The following link is a step-by-step slideshow that will guide you through the process (one is in English, the other in Spanish):  

    Slide Deck Link

    Slide Deck Translated to Spanish

    ATTENTION: Class of 2025 senior parents! The Senior Celebration Committee has started planning our annual Senior Celebration for our class of 2025 students and we want to get you connected. Come be a part of this great opportunity to provide our seniors with a safe fun-filled graduation celebration! Follow the link to join our Facebook group HEREWe will be posting volunteer opportunities and fundraising throughout the year and every little bit helps!  If social media isn't your thing, you can also email us at to be added to an email group for info instead. We will meet once a month on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm in Mrs. Nordin's classroom (Room 5) at MHHS (thru main office doors and first hallway on the left). HOWEVER, please note that September's meeting will be on Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day) instead. Spread the word to your kids that we will be selling donuts on late start mornings in the foyer by the main gym. We will also be at sporting events and other school activities to raise money, so come say hi! This will be an exciting year for our kids and we would love to have you be a part, no matter how much you are able to contribute! We appreciate you!


    Breakfast/Lunch and Food Services Information:

    Free and Reduced Meal Forms: Free and reduced meal applications are now available online. Breakfast and lunch meals are not free to everyone this year. To qualify for Free and Reduced Breakfast and Lunch, you must complete the Free and Reduced Meal application. You MUST APPLY (or reapply) for Free & Reduced Meals each year. Forms are available on Mealtime at the following link:  You can also use that link to pay for breakfasts/lunches on-line. You will need your student's 9 digit student number which can be found in your Parent Portal.  


     Please be sure to check our other platforms for other types of information, highlights, activities, etc.  

    MHHS Facebook page:


    MHSD (District) Facebook page:


    We are very excited to be able to work with your children. We want these young folks to learn valuable skills that can serve them well in their futures. We know that we have an awesome task and love making connections with them throughout this journey.  


    Mr. Gunderson - MHHS Principal

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  • Homecoming Week!
    September 16-21


    Hallway Decorating - Friday, 9/13 from 8-12pm. Saturday 9/14 & Sunday 9/15 from 10-6pm

    Macho Man Volleyball - Monday, 9/16 @ 7PM in the MHHS Gym; Admission is $2 or 2 cans of food

    Volleyball - Tuesday, 9/17 starting at 4:30pm in the MHHS Gym. Staff get in free and a plus one with their badge

    Boys Soccer - Tuesday, 9/17 starting at 4:30pm at the soccer field. Staff get in free and a plus one with their badge

    Powder Puff Football - Wednesday, 9/18 @ 7 PM at Tiger Field; Admission is $2 or 2 cans of food

    9th vs. 10th Basketball Game - Thursday, 9/19 at 3:30pm in MHHS Gym; admission is free

    Girls Soccer - Thursday, 9/19 starting at 4:30pm at the soccer field. Staff get in free and a plus one with their badge

    Homecoming Assembly/Homecoming Parade - Friday, 9/20 (assembly will start at around 12:30 in MHHS Gym; parade will follow - beginning at around 2:00.  (Times are approximate.)

    Homecoming FB Game - Friday, 9/20 @ 7 PM - Tiger Field

    Homecoming Dance - Saturday, 9/21, 8-11PM in MHHS Gym (tickets will be on sale in the main office). Tickets: $30 for couples w/ASB, $35 for couples w/out ASB.  $15 for singles w/ASB, $18 for singles w/out ASB


    DRESS UP DAYS: (school appropriate)

    Monday - Adam Sandler Day

    Tuesday - Neon Day (Freshmen - Green, Sophomores - Yellow, Juniors - Blue, Seniors - Pink, Staff - Orange)

    Wednesday - Surfers (beach day) vs. Bikers (motorcycles)

    Thursday - Decades Day (Freshmen - 80s, Sophomores - 70s, Juniors - 90s, Seniors - 50s, Staff - 60s)

    Friday  - Tiger Spirit

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Facts and Figures

  • 1901 Old yearbooks indicate that the first students to graduate from a school known as Mountain Home High School was in 1901.
  • 1905 In about 1905, a new brick schoolhouse was completed. This two-story building housed the elementary grades on the first floor and the high school classes on the second. It was located on 4th East Street between Jackson and 2nd North (currently the Middle School PE field). It was demolished in 1964.
  • 1926 On the same block a new building was built for the High School in 1926. This building, which is currently Bennett Mountain High School, was MHHS until 1954.
  • 1954 The current High School building is located on 11th East between 2nd South & 4th South. Over the past 60 years it has had several additions built.

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