- Mountain Home School District #193
- Policies in Cycle for Review
Policies and Procedures
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Mountain Home School District encourages all patrons and employees to provide input to the District Policy Committee regarding District policies. Policy Committee members may be contacted via the Policy Review webpage (Department> Policies & Procedures>Policy Review). All policy input must be in writing using the Policy Input Form, which one may download, print, and fill out the form, and then one would email, mail, or drop off the form to any member of the Policy Committee, or the District Administrative Office. Please contact one of the policy committee members if you have any questions or input on any policy. Any unsigned input forms will be thrown away.
The Policy Committee generally meets once a quarter unless additional meetings are required. Meetings are usually held on the last Tuesday of the quarter-month. The schedule may change at any time. The first meeting is scheduled for September 26, 2023, at 3:30 p.m., in the District Office Conference Room. The Policy Committee meetings are posted on the district calendar. The scheduled meetings may change at any time.
Policies are reviewed on a 5-year cycle but may be reviewed outside of the cycle to revise. Policies usually have three readings by the Board of Trustees with the third reading being the final reading; some policies might only have one reading, depending on the circumstances.
Patrons and staff may give input on any policy during the three readings by the Board of Trustees. The Policy Committee may not have the opportunity to review all the policies, procedures, and non-policy procedures; those that are not reviewed will be placed in the next school year cycle.
- Procedures and Non-policy Procedures are approved by either the District Administration or the Policy Committee.
- The policy review list is not in any particular order, it is just a list of the policies in cycle for the school year.
Please review the Policy Review webpage regularly, as the page is frequently updated, and additional policies may be added.