Vacancy of Trustee Zone 5



Mountain Home, Elmore County, Idaho


Due to the resignation of Trustee Abrego, from Zone-5, due to no longer residing Zone-5, on the evening of January 21, 2025, the Board of Trustees of Mountain Home School District declared a vacancy for Zone-5 on January 21, 2025, and is commencing the process to fill this vacancy.


  • Zone-5 encompasses: Zone Map
  • The individual selected to fill this term will serve the balance of the unexpired term, currently ending on 31 December 2027.
  • The Board of Trustees has a period of 90-days from the declaration of the vacancy to fill this position with a qualified individual who resides within Zone-5. If this does not occur, the Board may appoint a person at-large from within the boundaries of the school district. Otherwise, after 120-days, the appointment shall be made by the board of the county commissioners.
  • The process that will be utilized by the Board of Trustees to fill this vacancy shall be to accept applications from qualified and registered residents of Zone-5 until March 4, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., at the District Administrative Office. The Board of Trustees will review the applications during the special open meeting of the Board on March 11, at 6:30 p.m., and appoint the best candidate during the regular board meeting of March 18, 2025.
  • Individuals residing and registered in Zone-5 who are interested in being appointed as a Trustee of Zone-5 need to fill out and submit the Trustee Application & Qualification for Appointment to a Vacated Trustee Position located on the district website or at the District Administration Office.


Dated the 21st Day of January 2025.




Sharon M. Whitman

Clerk, School District No. 193

Mountain Home, Elmore, Idaho


Trustee Application & Qualification for Appointment to Trustee Zone-5